Kreiva Academy Public Charter School
Kreiva Academy provides a rigorous, transdisciplinary, real-world education
During the past two years, the resilience of the Kreiva community shown in the face of one of the most challenging times for students, families, and educators alike. We are so proud of our students who meaningfully contributed and adapted in our ever evolving learning environments. Our teachers were continually seeking innovative and engaging ways to deliver instruction, build relationships with students, and reflect and build on what we learned as we navigated what it means to teach during a pandemic. We are grateful to our Kreiva families for the support you provided to your students and school community as we make our way as a new, innovative charter school.
During the Summer of 2022, Kreiva staff took part in many different professional development opportunities focusing on what it means to be a Project-Based school and our commitment to Restorative Practices. We have multi-year learning maps with strategically aligned learning goals in place. Our core courses (math, science, humanities) are all year-long courses to more effectively align learning goals with course content and to ensure student access to all learning targets during their middle and high school experiences. Our teams continue to use “Big Ideas” that link concepts across courses for each trimester. The “Big Ideas” are real world themes that are relevant to the everyday lives of students. When concepts are woven across and throughout different classes and linked back to a central idea, our processes for teaching and learning mirror how our brains work. When we are able to link learning across classes, the connections that are made lead to deeper learning and understanding.
In this year's Program of Studies, you will see the continued evolution of “Big Ideas” that are being developed during the year. Thank you for your continued support in our journey as an innovative and exemplary Project- and Competency-Based Charter School.
The purpose of these documents is to create a set of sub-competencies (Learning Targets) for Kreiva Academy. These Learning Targets will serve as a clear link between the state-adopted standards and the competencies (credits) earned by students. In addition, they clarify learning so that students can more readily understand the purpose of—and track their progress towards—their understanding of topics. This also allows teachers to hone in on the important aspects of what they are teaching, setting a transparent standard for the minimum acceptable level of understanding. Because all classes at Kreiva Academy are interdisciplinary, this project sets the foundation for targets from all core subjects to be mixed and matched based on topics relevant to students. These topics will drive our modules (5-8 week classes), which make up the rigorous, engaging curriculum.
Kreiva Academy Graduation Requirements
Kreiva Academy’s benchmark competency goals meet or exceed all NH requirements for high school graduation. Kreiva’s competencies take into account elements of character development, civic awareness, and career readiness that have emerged as essential to 21st Century success. Kreiva’s competency-based grading will reflect a student’s demonstrable level of mastery of a concept or skill at a given point in time, not an averaging of a number of distinct assignments from start to finish of the learning process. Each student’s competency data is maintained, continually updated, and reported to show their growth over time toward achieving the benchmark proficiency of each competency standard, providing a clear picture of their learning path.
CLICK HERE for a sample transcript to see credits needed for graduation.
CLICK HERE to watch a video about how students earn credits at Kreiva Academy.